Welcome to
The Advanced Way
Patients. Doctors. Pharmacists.
In Canada, medical errors account for 28,000 deaths yearly, according to the Canadian Patient Safety Institute which campaigns to reduce that number [as] errors are said to be the third leading cause of death in Canada after cancer and heart disease, and every minute and 18 seconds someone is injured from unintended harm”. Chris Power, CEO of the Canadian Patient Safety Institute noted how alarming these statistics are, as similar or worse rates are also found around the world, like an epidemic.
Doctors and other healthcare professionals are seeking help in recommending correct drug prescriptions by hiring web applications to check for safety and possible interactions. However, there are limited digital tools available today that are designed for both doctors and patients use, that support increased safety of prescribing as well as increased safety for the patients in taking medications.
We are a newly established start-up company which aim to connect doctors, pharmacists, and patients together to minimize potential medication errors and improve patient compliance by using our medication application.
130-10691 Shellbridge Way, Richmond, BC, Canada V6X 2W8
+1 236-788-3961